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Sitecore Headless Development

Sitecore ASP.NET Rendering with docker is already very well documented in Sitecore Official site. While working with some of the clients I realized, not everyone work with docker and some are still interested how things works without Docker and this encouraged me share little about how this works without docker . First I would recommend…


Gatsby also known as GatsbyJS, is a static-site-generating solutions ,Its is a modern framework for building performance accessible static sites using react and graphQL. Gatsby serves as that all important intermediary layer between building a pure react application and building a good old fashioned website. Its enables you to build blazing fast, accessible and advanced static websites that are maintainable, upgradable and forward-looking. Gatsby…

Remove Xconnect Search Indexer service

How many of you have installed Sitecore 9 multiple time ? I guess so many time .. isn’t? Well, no harm in installing multiple time .. I consider its fun 😀 This post is not about how to install Sitecore 9 but about remind you to don’t forget to stop the Xconnect Search Indexer or remove Xconnect Search…

Sitecore Commerce 9 – what you get OOTB

Its spring time and I thought to refresh my blog again. Also, Recently I gave a talk at the Sitecore Danish user group on Sitecore commerce 9. So thought to share this experience here. Sitecore commerce 9 becoming a hot topic in the Sitecore community not only for the single reason but various reasons makes commerce 9 as a…

Content Delivery Network with Azure and Blob Storage 

CDN with Azure and Blob Storage Azure Blob storage is a service that stores unstructured data in the cloud as objects/blobs. Blob storage can store any type of text or binary data, such as a document, media file, or application installer. Blob storage is also referred to as object storage. Data can be accessed from…

Content Delivery Network

A very Basic Definition of CDN: It’s a network who Delivers contents. It’s not a very new concept for most of the readers and most of them might be using in real life. So, To begin with, a very basic thing (Why CDN and what value it can add) which always comes in the mind for someone who is new…

Sitecore Email Experience Manager

Recently, I am working in Sitecore Email Experience Manger. While configuring EXM I got into interesting challenges. I would like to share my experience.To begin with, I did few configuration and setup. Download EXM from depends on which Sitecore version you are using. After downloading, I got “Email Experience Manager 3.3.0 rev. 160527 (not sc package).zip” package.…

Sitecore analytics tracking on click of events

This blog post contains information about Sitecore analytics tracking on click of events and Storing value of every event and customization on those values . Recently I came across the requirement to handle Sitecore analytics tracking on click of media items. I could think 2 ways to manage Sitecore Analytics tracking on click of media…

Sitecore Experience Accelerator – SXA

From last few days, I was reading about a very interesting topic (Sitecore Experience Accelerator). From last few month, it’s getting popular in Sitecore community and discussions. I am sure some of us would have already started working on Sitecore SXA.    I found it interesting and thought to share my experience with you .…

Sitecore : Helix and Habitat

From the last couple of days, I was reading about Sitecore Helix  Principles . While reading into detail I thought to write a small article which summarizes the agenda of Helix Principle . This small Article may be useful for them who is already working in Sitecore and working on Component-based structure . Most of…

Rendering Parameter: Way to Configure Deck – UI Components

We all love component based architecture web designs, any component based architecture is collection of multiple UI components just to name few like promotional tiles, informational or feed boxes, carousels etc., Because of inherent MVP pattern championed by Sitecore and MVC as technology, our aim is always to create reusable components for our Sitecore projects.…

Rendering Parameters

Hi Friends. Everyone must be aware of the concept in Sitecore called “Rendering Parameters” and many of use must be using in day to day development activity. This is my first blog post as an individual blogger 🙂 So starting with a very basic and simple idea. Rendering Parameters are used to control the presentation…